Glorious Guiyang

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ICA Sinology Camp for Young Scholars kicks off in Guiyang|Updated: July 8, 2024

The International Confucian Association (ICA) Sinology Camp for Young Scholars kicked off in Guiyang, capital city of Southwest China's Guizhou province, on July 7.

As part of the camp, a total of 22 young scholars from 15 countries across five continents will engage in an eight-day study program through special lectures, on-site teaching, and experiential learning as they explore the theories of Wang Yangming, a renowned Chinese philosopher during the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), and gain a better understanding of the inheritance and contemporary value of Yangming culture in Guizhou.


The ICA Sinology Camp for Young Scholars kicks off. [Photo/Guiyang news network]

The ICA is an international academic and cultural organization dedicated to promoting the mutual learning and exchanges of Confucian culture between Asian civilizations and other cultures worldwide. The Sinology Camp for Young Scholars serves as a flagship event of ICA and has been held for three consecutive years.

Guiyang, with its thousands of years of history and rich ethnic cultural heritage, is where Wang Yangming achieved a significant breakthrough in Chinese philosophical history. This study camp will offer scholars from around the world insights into literature, enlightenment, and ethical conduct.

Hailing from Nigeria, Zhou Ying, one of the participants, stated that she hoped to become an excellent disseminator of Chinese culture by learning more stories about China and Guizhou.