Glorious Guiyang

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Guiyang's data factor market development ranks 1st in western China|Updated: July 12, 2024

An evaluation report recently released by CCID Industrial and Information Research Institution (Group) Sichuan Co shows that Guiyang, capital of Southwest China's Guizhou province, ranks first in terms of the development level of its data factor market among 131 cities in western China.

The evaluation report aims to comprehensively and scientifically assess the data element market development in 131 cities in western China from various perspectives, including data factor market guarantees, industrial foundation, supply, circulation, and governance.

Guiyang, with a comprehensive score of 84.51, secured the top spot on the list due to its well-established market guarantee system, solid data industry foundation, active data circulation market, and sound data factor governance system. It was followed by Chengdu with a score of 81.13 and Chongqing with a score of 80.00.

The digital economy is a new track for the development of new productive forces in Guiyang City and Gui'an New Area. Focusing on computing power, empowerment, and industry, Guiyang and Gui'an are striving to promote new digital infrastructure, industrial digitalization, digital industrialization, digital governance, and data value realization. Serving as a crucial driver of high-quality economic development, the proportion of digital economy added value to the region's GDP has exceeded 50 percent.