According to the forestry department of Southwest China's Guizhou province, Guizhou's forest ecosystem had an annual fixed carbon content of 30.24 million metric tons in 2019, equal to 39.62 percent of Guizhou's total annual carbon emissions.
In recent years, Guizhou has launched large-scale afforestation to fix carbon with forest and slow down climate change. In 2020, Guizhou's forest-growing stock reached 600 million cubic meters, while its carbon-fixing capabilities have been improved.
From 2016 to 2019, Guizhou's carbon content fixed by forest ecosystems increased by 2.99 million tons, with a growth rate of 10.98 percent.
Forest carbon sinks are the world's most economical carbon absorbing technique. Qualified forest carbon sinks can apply for the Chinese Certified Emissions Reduction (CCER), which is an offset mechanism and can be traded in the China Emissions Trading Scheme.
In the future, Guizhou's forest carbon sink will be traded and contribute to carbon neutrality.