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Why Guizhou

Guizhou issues special fund to support tea industry development


Southwest China's Guizhou province recently issued 61.86 million yuan ($9.21 million) of special funds to develop its featured tea industry.


New international freight train service launched


The first Guizhou-Xi'an-Tashkent/Minsk international freight train departed on Sept 25 from Guiyang, capital of Southwest China's Guizhou province, and arrived in Xi'an Port in China's Northwest Shaanxi province.


Guiyang to build more than 10 nighttime economy demonstration streets


Guiyang, the capital of Southwest China's Guizhou province, recently issued an implementation plan to boost nighttime economy development and perfect the nighttime economy consumption system.


Guizhou rides rails to Europe, boosting foreign trade economy


Southwest China's Guizhou province is utilizing China-Europe freight trains to boost its foreign trade economy.


Guizhou rides rails to Europe, boosting foreign trade economy


Southwest China's Guizhou province is utilizing China-Europe freight trains to boost its foreign trade economy.


Guizhou's first imported-grain processing project debuts in Guiyang


A total of 18,000 metric tons of soybeans imported from Uruguay arrived at the Guiyang Free Trade Zone in Guizhou province on Sept 25, marking the launch of Guizhou's first imported-grain processing project.


Guizhou's big data industry top in China


According to a report on Guizhou's development as a national big data comprehensive pilot area in 2019, the province achieved 150 billion yuan ($22.09 billion) in big data revenue last year, with its big data development index ranked third nationally and its digital economy growth rate ranked first.


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